Monday 10 June 2013

Cut Out Animation Evaluation


For this project I worked in a group and  produced a cut out animation using images from a magazine. To create a cutout animation, we had to cut out images from the magazine and use these images that we thought was relevant to our idea. As a team we worked really well, we decided to have different roles within this project so that we can all be occupied doing different things. I took on the responsibility in preparing the images in the positions that they were meant to be in. Olivia took the role of cutting out the images that were needed and Meriam was in charge of the editing. Although we each had a different role, we manage to swap roles at times and have a go at everything.

To continue, problems were experienced when making the animation. These problems occurred when the snap shots were being taken as the images kept moving out of place each time someone walked by. This affected our animation as it was difficult to move the images back into the correct position to begin with. We also had trouble with keeping the camera in the right place. Therefore, we managed to over come these slight problems. The editing process was both done by myself and Meriam. I personally found the editing process easy as it didn't involve much apart from adding audio.

Overall the animation turned out to be 32 seconds long. If I were to do this project again I would change the length of the animation and make it longer I would also add some more creation to the animation as it had no story towards it, this will make it appealing and interesting.  As a group, we wanted to get feedback from others to get other opinions and views.

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