Monday 10 June 2013

Advert Evaluation


For this project we had to produce a television advertisement. As a group we came up with a idea which was a fragrance advertisement. This advert was completely different from our final advertisement. Our fragrance advert was filmed in the college by myself, Olivia and Aaron. Moving on, once we filmed and edited out fragrance advert we then posted it onto youtube and viewed it to the class to get feedback.From showing our classmates our advert we got back some good and some bad feedback however there was a few improvements that we could have made. For example the lighting could have been more brighter as it was slightly dark and we could have also used different filming techniques to make it more interesting and appealing towards the audience. Further more, the feedback that we received helped us develop a new idea of creating a advert for a candy product called 'Skittles'. We chose this product because it is a very popular sweet, we also done some research and watch a couple of skittle adverts to get different ideas and realize that most of skittle adverts have a unique twist to them. After doing a bit of research we came up with the idea to do a skittles advertisement as a group we wanted our advert to be unique and spontaneous as originally Skittle adverts are usually unique.

For this project we each took a role so that we can be precised and organised when it came to filming/editing. Therefore, I took a role of being one of the characters in the advert which was a scientist. I also chose to help out with the filming and editing. Personally, I think we met all our requirements. The advert was one minute and forty seconds long, it was appealing to our audience and we used a number of advertising techniques such as persuasive language.

Moving on what worked well was the whole plot of the advert, the different camera shots that we used. In the editing, we included arrows and wording to make it more appealing and clear to the audience, This worked well as it was a main attraction within the advert. Props were used in our advert which was a really good advantage as it made our advert seem more professional. In some parts of our advert we used different techniques such as stop motion. What could be improved is the location of the advert. It was filmed in college which was to obvious to the audience. If I were to do this project again I would add transitions between the different shots.

Overall  we worked really well as a group with helping one another with the different roles we each had, gaining skills and producing good communication and interactions.

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