Friday 10 May 2013

Channel Ident Idea

Ident Idea

This is our storyboard idea for our ident. Our channel ident idea is basically a day of life in City of westminster college. The filming techniques that we will be using for our ident is pixilation and also stop motion. The first shot will be outside, will will take shots of the college logo this will be done using the stop motion technique.

Our second shot will be a student entering the college and walking through towards the entering gates this will be a pixilation technique.

Third shot is the same student greeting his/her friends as he enters through he gates and walks up the stairs. This will also be done using the pixilation technique.

Fourth shot is a continuation of the student walking up the staircase to the floor level of his/her lesson this will also be in pixilation.

This shot will be the student sitting at the table with other students in the college, this will show the different type of people that the college includes and the good social atmosphere that the students have towards each other.

Shot six will be a close up of the student looking at a CWC leaflet or prospectus.

The next shot is the seventh  shot which is also done in pixilation. In this shot all the students including the main student start to walk towards the classroom.

This is the last shot, this is a collage of different faces in the college It will then form into one whole face. We will use a cut out animation technique for this shot.

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