Wednesday 22 May 2013

Auteur Theory

 John G. Avildsen

John is a famous director who directed movies such as Rocky and The Karate Kid. John seems to direct movies that involve profession fighting. For example The movie Rocky which is about a fighter who starts off as a stage fighter then becomes a heavy weight champion. This film became a very successful film. John bought a huge inspiration with this movie upon the audience which is a main attraction. John made a huge success on The Karate Kid, Rocky, Save the tiger, Lean on me and also 8 seconds which a few of these movies still drag attention for us to watch. This is due to the different techniques that John used in his directing. His techniques were used to make the audience empathies with the main characters. This was done with the camera angles that were used and also the soundtracks. These engaging techniques were mainly shown in the movies Karate kid and Rocky. Johns movies always starred characters who come across as an inspiration to the audience and shows power and strength. for example: In the movie Rocky Sylvester Stallone played a character who was very ambitious in what he was good at which was fighting. Stallone also comes across to us as an strong actor in general for the simple fact that hes starred in a lot of action movies that involve fighting.

In this movie John uses some techniques. For example in the scenes where Rocky was in tournaments with other fighters the slow motion effects that John uses creates tension towards the moment. He also uses different types of camera shots, that were used in these scenes sort of interacts with the audience as it makes us feel as if we are realistically there watching. These techniques were used to engage within the viewers.

Moving on, John has used similar techniques with his other films such as The karate kid. This movie was one of Johns greatest just like Rocky. Characters that were chosen for this movie have strong characteristics which makes the film interesting and inspirational.

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