Wednesday 24 April 2013


In film terms, protagonist are always noticed by the audience which makes them the main character or leading character. This could be in some story lines the her. For example in the movie romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (modern version) Leonardo DiCaprio is the protagonist as he plays the main part in the movie to search for his love.

Homage means a dedication to something or even someone to show your inspiration or respect. This can be used in the music industry and also film. For example in Boogie Nights the opening scene was inspired by Godfellas by Martin Scorsese when Henry and Karen walk through into the club through the kitchen. they both have similar shots which we call the steadicam shot and also an similar atmosphere of not waiting in line to get in and getting VIP treatment.

Black Comedy
Black comedy does not necessarily mean a black actor/actress in a comedic movie. Black comedy is a movie that contains a black humor, that contains violence, dangerous scenarios etc. Example, The movie Dogma is classed as a black comedy. Black comedy doesn't tend to have happy endings.

Reverse shot
Reverse shot were a character is shown from the other side of a previous shot. This is a typical shot that is often used in most movies when the actors or actresses are having a conversation. Reverse shot is used in the held captive scene in Django unchained.

180 Degree Rule
The 180 degree rule is when theres 2 characters in the scene or an object, between the characters/object there will be an axis which is an invisible line. This line connects the characters/object. The camera should not cross the line as it will bring the audience to a confusion.

Rule Of Thirds
Rule of thirds are guidelines which are dived into nine parts. The guidelines help invent the image such as photographs, paintings and designs.

Montage are short video clips that are shot and put into some sort of sequence. This is a sort of editing technique that is used to take up space and time. This technique is normally used in films such as rocky and karate kid. For example Scarface push it to the limit scene.

Mise En SceneMise en scene is when the scenery and properties are arranged to represent the place where the movie or play is enacted
Anti hero
Anti hero is a character who takes a role in a film of being the bad guy but still turns out to be the good guy or women. For example in scrooge in the movie 'A Christmas Carol', he is a character that the audience will believe is the bad guy but towards the end of the movie he turns out to be the good guy.

Macguffin is a sort of object or an aim which is desired by the protagonist in a film. For example in the lastest movie 'Indiana Jones And The kingdom Of Crystal Skulls' the Macguffin of this film will be the treasure map because this is the main object in the movie that the protagonist is trying to earn.
Auteur Theory
Auteur theory is the personal creative vision from the director themselves.

Narrative - Linear/Non Linear

Narrative non linear films are films that don't include a step by step storyline and are based in no order what so ever, for example 'Slumdog Millionaire' or 'Pulp Fiction'. Narrative linear
films are films that are based in a order like a beginning, middle and an end. such as the set up, conflict then the resolution. for example 'Mission Impossible'

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